Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The one Blake posted

So Paige said that I don't provide enough input here and that I should add something to the blog. (She didn't know that I go through and proofread and correct her posts ;) Anyway I rarely feel that I can just put something up here that others would be interested in reading. I don't think I'm very good at relating stories like the "Cat in the Bag" story on Mary Beth's blog. I don't have funny pictures and stories about my adorable kids like on Jessica Bradshaw's blog. I just have a regular kind of life that doesn't seem like it might be very interesting to others. Maybe I just need a little practice... ya, I should probably just get in the habit of posting and then when something cool happens I'll say, "This will be perfect for my blog." ... so... anyway...
Paige and I have a new (if only temporary) pet snake. My youngest brother Quinn is going on his mission to Mexico and I think he leaves in March or April?... so we are taking care of his pet snake. It's a corn snake, it's not very big. It eats mice and lizards and goldfish apparently (right out of its water dish, or so I'm told). We were really excited to get it because we thought we'd get to play with it a lot or watch it do cool stuff. It turns out we were destined for disappointment there, it just lies all curled up in this tube in its tank. I feel a bit like Dudley when they went to the zoo and he's banging on the glass like "MOVE SNAKE... this is boooring."

I familiarize a lot of my life with Harry Potter because Paige and I listen to Harry Potter audiobooks like every night. Paige likes to have background noise and we have slightly dissimilar interests in music. I also associate a lot of events with episodes from The Office, which I love, and Friends which I didn't think I would like as much as I do. Even as I type this Paige has put Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban on so it must be time for bed. Goodnight all, hopefully I'll be attentive enough to the interesting parts of my day that I'll be able to post again.


Shannon said...

You get to babysit snake, huh? Well we'll see if it lasts the whole 2 years that quin is gone. ;) I love that you're posting a bit; cant wait to hear more!

joyous said...

LOL!!! You know you're life is way more fun and interesting than all of ours. Go on, brag a little. :) Have fun with the snake while Quinn is gone!

Jessica Martiele said...

i'm so flattered! aaaawwwwwwwww. and i'm so totally in on the harry potter thing, i can't tell you. what did you guys think of the last book? (ask brandon what i thought...we had quite the showdown.) you BOTH need to do a little more posting, by the way...because pretty much everything is funny if you know how to look at it. like the mental image of a corn snake eating a goldfish. heehee. be sure you report when it happens!