Friday, February 15, 2008

<3 the one with the late Valentines day <3

Yesterday was Valentine's Day! (can you feel all the love?) Blake and i had a pretty great time. as my work day was coming to an end, Blake came to Fairmont with a really cool purse, a stuffed love puppy, and a beautiful card. (we bought Blake an awesome electric piano that sounds and feels like 90% real, so THAT was his Valentine's Day present). We went home to change and what not, and as we were about to leave we caught Blake's mom "heart attacking" our front door! (thank you mom, we love you!) After that we headed for DownTown Disney, Where we dined at Rainforest Cafe (after waiting for about 30 min, and playing with all of their rainforesty toys and taking phone pictures) We sat by the baby elephant which talked though out most of our dinner, it was cool. (if you hadn't heared yet, i now have braces, as i'm sure you can see in the picture so i'm still eating from the mushy foods list...i coulnd't even chew fries...) after dinner we walked around and shopped a bit. it was so nice, just spending felt like we were dating againg. anyway, after general merryment, we saw the movie Juno, Which i thought was super awesome and way cool, Blake just liked it. we then went home and crashed because it was already after 12 and we're both lame people with work and school.
i love my husband. it truly was just so nice being out and having time to spend. i did sort of feel like a couple of highschool students out on a date though. i mean, lets face it, neither of us looks our age and my braces take off about 4 years alone!
i do love my husband.


Cory CL said...

Check out the Juno's AWESOME! Thanks for the comment on my blog! So glad we can stay connected. Hope all is well!
P.S. Braces suck, but it will pass!

Shannon said...

Sounds like so much fun! I wish my husband had been around, not that we would have wandered around anywhere in this weather, but we could have snuggled. :) Hope you teeth start feeling better soon!

Shannon said...

PS-We loved Juno too! Such a sweet story and I love the music.

joyous said...

Live it up, you young marrieds!!! I'm glad you had a fun Valentine's day together. Blake spoils you rotten. :)