Monday, December 03, 2007

The one where we come back

(from Paige)
Well, Christmas cards are going out again, so i believe its time once again to update and promise to keep it up!
this year has had a lot of changes for us.

Blake and I decided to stay in Sunny California where Blake will soon be attending Cal State Fullerton. He still works at Berrett Pest Control, but once school starts, things may change.
I'm still in Fullerton College and i am loving my job at Fairmont Prep where i work as the front desk receptionist (AKA: I'm the school Secretary)It's loads of fun, and MOST of the kids are great.

so even though we just moved in July, Blake and I have decided to move again, so don't respond to the return address on your Christmas card! contact us and we'll give you our new address!

No. no babies, not anytime soon (so we plan), so no more asking.

I'm not sure is this was already posted or not, but Blake and I have Disneyland Annual Passes, so our free time is quite often spent there. I think it's because of this that we decided to expand our Disney movie collection to more than just "The Incredibles"... someday, we'll have a collection to be proud of.

Our cat, Maeby, is big and fat now (but we never say that to her face, we wouldn't want her to develop a disorder)and that's basically all thats new with her...

Blake and i are having a great holiday season so far...
for Halloween we were Peter Pan (purchased via Amazon) and Wendy (made by my very talented friend: Janelle, who was also in our wedding)

Blake and I

Me Blake and Janelle (who also made her Tinkerbell costume)

Thanksgiving was at the Barrera residence this year and it was great. lots of food and lots of mexicans (home).

We already decorated our current home for Christmas, and now we'll pack and redecorate after we move! I'm UBER excited! I love christmas (smells, decorations, food, ambiance, its all great)! Christmas this year will be celebrated on the 23rd with the Barreras (always my favorite family get together) and on the 25 with the Greens, and this year is especially exciting because VANCE (Blake's brother who went on a mission to the Dominican Republic in December of 05) will be home!!! hes actually coming home on the 12th, but then leaving again to do a tour de Green before Christmas (trivia fact: i've actually known vance longer than i've known Blake...but Blake's known him longer too, so it evens out)

So anyway, thats about all for now. I will do my best to post at least once a month and keep all the info current. Comment if you have any questions and have a great week!!!

~Paige (and Blake in proxy)


Olson Family said...

ohh my gosh your halloween costumes are soo cute! I am soo excited to see everyone this christmas and well actually this wednesday for when Vance comes home! Good times!!

Shannon said...

way cute christmas card you two! i love it. I love that you have a blog too! Check ours out. Cant wait to see you all at christmas.

joyous said...

LOVE the costumes. My girls thought you looked like Cinderella, but once I explained who you were, they still thought it was cool. Mimi liked Blake's sword!