Friday, November 03, 2006

The one with the Cat-Dog costumes

Well, we slacked this week, so I'm updating solo while Blake is hard at work killing bugs in rich people's yards.

this past week has been pretty fun.
on Friday the 27th of October, our ward had it's annual Halloween party. They had a chili contest (which I entered in proxy for my grandmother), homemade rootbeer (complete with dry ice spookiness), a scary maze put on by the young men, and the crowning event: trunk or treating in the parking lot. It was my first ward Halloween party, but Blake was a veteran, so he showed me the ropes.
We had a great time! Blake went as a dog...And I went as a cat. (and it took me ALL AFTERNOON to put together costumes...And we ended up wearing clothes we already had)

On Sunday, after church, Blake and I went to his friend's graduation party. This friend, Patrick Culp, who happens to be a very talented musicisian (like my husband, with more rock star, and no piano...Or beautiful wife) was in a chrildren's choir with Blake way back when. The party was tons of fun, and it was oh so nice to be out around large groups of people.

On monday, I went down to L.A. to visit my very good friend Jess Mollo (from BOHS play pro and most of my seinor good times). I really did miss her. We shopped, and talked, and ate hors de ouvres at cheesecake factory. Good times were had by all.

on good ol' Halloween, Blake and I had the idea to watch scary movies we purchased at the 99cent store...Big mistake...They were the lamest movies EVER. (though we did get sto see a very young, very thin Jack Nicholson in the original "Little Shop of Horrors") then we drove around for two hours trying to get pizza...LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
and we also realized that day was the last day of my lease on the apartment I was living in before we got married. So, Blake, his dad, and his brother Jordan went to the apartment to move a table, a refridgerator, and a bunch of little stuff. That was our riveting Halloween... Lame.
On wednesday I started my brand new Day Care job and its great. I missed kids. I missed playing with them. So its grand, now that my fingerprints finally went through...Blake is playing soccer at the church building with friends when he gets a chance. Its great, except for the fact that he comes home stinky and gross.

AND today i just found out that one of other friends from BOHS play pro (Jason) was in a music video! the Fray's "How to save a life". (he's kissing the cute blond on the couch) so yay for Jason.
so, we love you all, and really hope someone's reading this...other than us. BYE!