Friday, November 03, 2006

The one with the Cat-Dog costumes

Well, we slacked this week, so I'm updating solo while Blake is hard at work killing bugs in rich people's yards.

this past week has been pretty fun.
on Friday the 27th of October, our ward had it's annual Halloween party. They had a chili contest (which I entered in proxy for my grandmother), homemade rootbeer (complete with dry ice spookiness), a scary maze put on by the young men, and the crowning event: trunk or treating in the parking lot. It was my first ward Halloween party, but Blake was a veteran, so he showed me the ropes.
We had a great time! Blake went as a dog...And I went as a cat. (and it took me ALL AFTERNOON to put together costumes...And we ended up wearing clothes we already had)

On Sunday, after church, Blake and I went to his friend's graduation party. This friend, Patrick Culp, who happens to be a very talented musicisian (like my husband, with more rock star, and no piano...Or beautiful wife) was in a chrildren's choir with Blake way back when. The party was tons of fun, and it was oh so nice to be out around large groups of people.

On monday, I went down to L.A. to visit my very good friend Jess Mollo (from BOHS play pro and most of my seinor good times). I really did miss her. We shopped, and talked, and ate hors de ouvres at cheesecake factory. Good times were had by all.

on good ol' Halloween, Blake and I had the idea to watch scary movies we purchased at the 99cent store...Big mistake...They were the lamest movies EVER. (though we did get sto see a very young, very thin Jack Nicholson in the original "Little Shop of Horrors") then we drove around for two hours trying to get pizza...LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
and we also realized that day was the last day of my lease on the apartment I was living in before we got married. So, Blake, his dad, and his brother Jordan went to the apartment to move a table, a refridgerator, and a bunch of little stuff. That was our riveting Halloween... Lame.
On wednesday I started my brand new Day Care job and its great. I missed kids. I missed playing with them. So its grand, now that my fingerprints finally went through...Blake is playing soccer at the church building with friends when he gets a chance. Its great, except for the fact that he comes home stinky and gross.

AND today i just found out that one of other friends from BOHS play pro (Jason) was in a music video! the Fray's "How to save a life". (he's kissing the cute blond on the couch) so yay for Jason.
so, we love you all, and really hope someone's reading this...other than us. BYE!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The one with Colin...or...maybe Jack...

Well, not much has happened this week.
Paige had to get a TB test and realized her fear of needles is more than she (or the nurse) had previously anticipated.(She was just squirmy)
Blake is still working very hard and comes home stinky and tired.

on the bright side, we carved our very first pumpkin for FHE on Monday as a Family!
you can see the fun and excitement by clicking HERE!!!

ALSO, our complete wedding pictures are finally posted on the web (thank you Amelia Lyon photography!!!) there is a link to the right labeled "our wedding album" go ahead and check it out!

(If that doesn't work, the web site has read as follows: Dear Friends and Family,
Our event is now online! Go to, register with your name, e-mail address and password of your choice, then search for our event (last names usually work) to see all the photos. If you see any that you like, order them directly online. To view the images enter "place your event key here" when prompted for the Event Key. Enjoy!

The web site of our images is only available for a limited time. You can easily order reprints by clicking on the shopping cart icon. Enjoy! )

other than that, we haven't been up to much! Though we're sure next week we'll have more to share with you all. THANKS FOR READING!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The one with the Pumpkin Patch (video)

Ok, so on Friday we were going to go to the Newport Beach Temple. It was all set. Paige would drive to the temple, bring Blake's bag with her and some nice Temple type clothes and he would meet her there (he works in NPB) change, and it would be great! so Paige grabbed, what she though were appropriate clothes, and headed down (but not before she stopped by Deseret Book and picked up a "Willow Tree" statue, "Together" because Blake got "Promise" for our wedding present). Then Blake called and said he would be a little late, so Paige should just go in and leave his clothes in the car. So she went in over an hour early. (we were aiming for a 3 o'clock session) and 3 comes and goes...Blake is no where to be seen...they even held the session checking to see if he was there or not...but eventually, they had to start with out him. so Paige is very worried. She thinks maybe something happened or he was hurt or in trouble, becaue she knows he wouldn't just not show up and she knows he really wanted to be in the Temple. so after the session was over she went to her car and called him, he said "i couldnt go in, you didn't bring the right clothes." She had brought, along with a tie and pants, a short sleeve shirt. for those of you who didn't know this, men do not have a Temple shirt, like women have temple dresses, they just wear a long sleeve white shirt to the temple and thats their temple shirt for the day... Paige didn't know she does.
So later that night we're supposed go out for sushi with Blake's parents, Jordan (his brother) and Jamie (Jordan's girlfriend) in Laguna Beach, but since we're already down that way, we decided to drive around for a bit. We were north of LB so we started driving south on PCH. Normally Laguna Beach is beautiful in and of itself, but the air that night was especially clear because it had rained earlier. As we were driving down admiring the coastline, the sun began to set and the sight was so overwhelming Blake said, "We have to pull over and watch this sunset." So we did just that and watched the sun set slowly over the clearest view of Catalina Island while we held each other in our arms. It was an amazing moment (we did not have, unfortunately, our camera with us at the time so you cannot enjoy the sight, but any time you want us to hold each other in our arms we'd be glad to do that so you can see).
An hour or so later, we were eating gourmet sushi celebrating Jordan's reaching a quarter of a century in age. We thoroughly enjoy the company of the Greens (Blake's parents).
On saturday, we decided we were going to cash in our target giftcards and buy a digital video camera. So we went into Best Buy to research the product options, and we ended up looking at some computers as well. We were all set to buy one when Paige's dad called and said he wanted to come by and help us make sure we were getting a great deal (or so Paige thought... unbeknownst to her, men were devising a plan). When he got there he looked around and started drilling the sales guy on our options. After a while of that he said, "Ok, well I'm going to buy you guys this computer for your wedding present," after which he quickly continued his dealings with the sales guy. Paige was shocked, Blake was smiling having been in on the idea prior (Paige's dad had told him about it over the phone and said it would be a surprise for Paige). So he bought us a computer with the works and as quickly as he came he kissed his daughter and left to hit a bucket of balls. Then we went to target at the renovated Whitwood shopping center in Whittier and bought us a sweet, sweet digi-camera.
On sunday we went to church and listened to the little kids in the Primary Program sing songs of faith. They were adorable. Paige got to sit up on the stand with them and monitor their reverence ("shhhh"). Later that night we had a waffle birthday dinner for Jordan (the Green family traditionally has waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and we recently started having orange julius as well on the morning of a birthday, but Jordan isn't much of a morning person so we try to be accomodating).
Monday night was Family Home Evening and we decided to go to a local pumpkin patch on Imperial at Puente. There were inflated slides, bounce houses (not for us big kids), a petting zoo and lots of pumpkins. We had lots of fun filming the activities and left with a little white pumpkin and some pics and vids to share.

That's all. We're enjoying our lives and hope you are too. Buh-bye.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Since the wedding we've been...

Ok, so its been almost a month since we were married (,8672,1597-1,00.html) in the Newport Beach LDS Temple (,8672,1024-1,00.html) (more wedding pictures to follow) and a lot has gone on! We spent 4 lovely nights and 5 wonderful days in Big Bear, CA! We stayed in a cozy little place that was aptly named "Cozy Hollow Lodge". We had our own cabin with nature in the back yard, hunting prints on the bedding. It was great!!!

We spent most of our time in the little village up the road: shopping, eating, bowling, goofing off and we even went to the movies one night. It was quaint and really nice because it was the off season and there weren't that many people out and about.

but we did eventually get out in the wild and see...Trees...Rocks...Sticks...Empty beer cans...And dirt.

on our last day we kicked it into gear and rented a speedboat and went horse back riding. We even bought one of those wooden rustic looking signs that says "the Greens" that made us very happy.

we drove home listening to Harry potter and we thoroughly enjoyed it!

the last weekend of September we drove up to Utah for Blake's mission reunion, Quinn's 18th birthday and General conference (a meeting of the entire Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, broadcast on TV, radio, and internet. Where we listen to talks given by the church leaders including the Prophet (,8672,1092-1,00.html) and the apostles) we stayed with Jillian and Kyle (Blake's sister and brother in law) and its always fun to hang out with them. Jill made Quinn a cake and we met Amber, Quinn's friend. . .Good times were had by all.

(could not get the cake to be upright no matter how we rotated it! But its a cool cake so it had to be posted)

since then the routine has been settling, which is a good thing. Blake goes to work everyday (except Sunday). And Paige goes to school every other day, is waiting to hear back about a job at the Yorba Linda School District daycare, and was just called to teach the 10 year olds in church.

we had to give up our cat, Belle Leigh Button, to Blake's parents until we move. The woman who owns the house we're "renting" is allergic so Belle can't stay here. But we'll take her back when we move... Although we don't think she'll want to come back to us....

ok, all. That's it for now! If theres something we left out or if you need our new mailing address or phone number (and we know who you are and wouldn't mind hearing from you) leave us a comment or email us at Bye!

our very first!

here we go...hope this thing works! we'll be posting at least once a week and putting up pictures and what not. miss and
love you all.